CodeTables Class

Utility methods for using code tables from The Raiser's Edge, eCRM, and The Education Edge
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: BBNCExtensions.API.Utility
Assemblies:  BBNCExtensions (in BBNCExtensions.dll) Version:
  BBNCExtensions (in BBNCExtensions.dll) Version:
public abstract class CodeTables

The CodeTables type exposes the following members.

Public methodCodeTableEntries(Int32, ESystems, eContext)
Returns in the entries for a code table specified by its integer ID.
Public methodCodeTableEntries(eCodeTableIds, ESystems, eContext)
Returns the entries for a code table specified by its enum value.
Public methodCodeTableEntryDescription(Int32, Int32, Boolean, ESystems, eContext)
Gets a code table entry description given the table's record ID and the entry value.
Public methodCodeTableEntryDescription(eCodeTableIds, Int32, Boolean, ESystems, eContext)
Gets a code table entry description given the table's enum value and the entry value.
Public methodCodeTableEntryValue(Int32, String, Boolean, ESystems, eContext)
Gets a code table entry's value given the table's record and the entry description.
Public methodCodeTableEntryValue(eCodeTableIds, String, Boolean, ESystems, eContext)
Gets a code table entry's value given the table's enum value and the entry description.
Public methodLoadListWithCodeTableEntries(ListControl, eCodeTableIds, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, EListBlankItem, Boolean, ESystems, String, ArrayList)
Loads a ListControl UI control with entries from a code table specified by its enum value.
Public methodLoadListWithCodeTableEntries(ListControl, Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, EListBlankItem, Boolean, ESystems, String, ArrayList)
Loads a ListControl UI control with entries from a code table specified by its integer ID.
Public methodNetCommunityCodeTable Obsolete.
Obsolete. Translates a code table's enum value to its corresponding integer record ID.

Most of these methods contain a version that can take the code table id as an integer or as the eCodeTableIds enum. For convenience, the enum contains the most frequently used code tables (for Profile updates, Signup, and Donation transactions) but these are only a subset of the avalailable back office code tables, so you can use the integer versions of these methods if you want to hit a code table not in the enum.

  • For The Raiser's Edge built-in code tables check the eCodeTableNumbers enum in the Blackbaud.PIA.RE7.BBInterfaces assembly, installed to each RE7 worksatation and the RE7Service web server of your CMS installation
  • For The Education Edge built-in code tables check the eCodeTableNumbers enum in the Blackbaud.PIA.FE7.AFNInterfaces assembly, also installed to the RE7Service web server of your CMS installation
  • For Blackbaud Enterprise CRM, only the values in the enum are currently supported by these methods.