PaymentArgs Class

Contains data needed to record payment and back office record information for an online donation.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: BBNCExtensions.API.Transactions
Assemblies:  BBNCExtensions (in BBNCExtensions.dll) Version:
  BBNCExtensions (in BBNCExtensions.dll) Version:
public class PaymentArgs

The PaymentArgs type exposes the following members.

Public methodPaymentArgs
Public fieldAppealID
Public fieldBBPS_MerchantAccountID
Public fieldComments
Public fieldCompanyName
Public fieldConstituentCodeID
Public fieldCreditCardAuthorizationCode
The API will skip credit card processing if an authorization code and reference number are supplied (for example if the caller has processed the card on its own and only wants to create a gift record in the back office).
Public fieldCreditCardBBPSToken
Optional. For recurring gifts, the API will get a card token from BBPS for future transactions, unless this value is already set. (for example if the caller has stored token with BBPS and only wants to create a gift record in the back office).
Public fieldCreditCardCSC
Public fieldCreditCardExpirationMonth
Public fieldCreditCardExpirationYear
Public fieldCreditCardHolderName
Public fieldCreditCardID
Public fieldCreditCardIssueNumber
Public fieldCreditCardNumber
Public fieldCreditCardPassedLuhnValidation
If false, for recurring gifts not being charged on the current date, the API will validate the card number using the site's BBPS credentials. Set value to true if validation has already been performed and should be skipped. (for example if the caller has validated the card number and only wants to create a gift record in the back office).
Public fieldCreditCardReferenceNumber
The API will skip credit card processing if an authorization code and reference number are supplied (for example if the caller has processed the card on its own and only wants to create a gift record in the back office).
Public fieldCreditCardStartMonth
Public fieldCreditCardStartYear
Public fieldCreditCardType
Public fieldCreditCardTypeName
Public fieldCurrencySymbol
Public fieldCurrencyTypeId
Public fieldCustomMergeData
Public fieldDemoMode
If True, always returns approved from payment service.
Public fieldDesignations
Public fieldDirectDebitAccountHolderName
Public fieldDirectDebitAccountNumber
Public fieldDirectDebitAccountSortCode1
Public fieldDirectDebitAccountSortCode2
Public fieldDirectDebitAccountSortCode3
Public fieldDirectDebitAccountType
Public fieldDirectDebitBranchName
Public fieldDirectDebitBSBBankNumber
Public fieldDirectDebitBSBBranchNumber
Public fieldDirectDebitFinacialInstitution
Public fieldDirectDebitRoutingNumber
Public fieldDonorAddress
Public fieldEmailAcknowledgementId
Public fieldEmailAddress
Public fieldFax
Public fieldFirstName
Public fieldGiftAttributes
Public fieldIsAnonymous
Public fieldIsCorporate
Public fieldIsGiftAid
Public fieldISO4217
Public fieldIsTribute
Public fieldLastName
Public fieldMerchantAccountId
Public fieldPage
Public fieldPageUrl
Public fieldPartId
Public fieldPartName
Public fieldPaymentMethod
Public fieldPhone
Public fieldRecurrenceInformation
Public fieldSkipCardNumberValidation
If True, does not sanity check card number to card type.
Public fieldSkipCreateGiftTransaction
If True, API will simply process payment information and send an acknowledgement, skipping the creating of a back office gift record.
Public fieldTitle
Public fieldTributeAcknowledgeeAddress
Public fieldTributeAcknowledgeeEmailAddress
Public fieldTributeAcknowledgeeFullName
Public fieldTributeAcknowledgeePhone
Public fieldTributeDesciption
Public fieldTributeName
Public fieldTributeSendAcknowledgement
Public fieldTributeType