TransactionsRecordDonation Method

Create a donation transaction that surfaces in The Raiser's Edge and eCRM

Namespace: BBNCExtensions.API.Transactions
Assemblies:  BBNCExtensions (in BBNCExtensions.dll) Version:
  BBNCExtensions (in BBNCExtensions.dll) Version:
public abstract RecordDonationReply RecordDonation(
	PaymentArgs args


Type: BBNCExtensions.API.TransactionsPaymentArgs
A PaymentArgs object containing the donation transaction data.

Return Value

Type: RecordDonationReply
A RecordDonationReply object.
Use this method in custom donation forms or payment forms for custom eCommerce applications where purchase payments are to be integrated to back office gift or revenue records. This method creates the same type of donation transaction as a built-in donation form and supports a variety of donation types including support for secure credit card processing, pledges, tributes, split gifts and gift attributes. For additional features, see the members of the PaymentArgs class.